WiPHoF Candidates are selected through public nominations.
Rules for Election – Women in Poker Hall of Fame (Revised and Ratified July 2016)
- Authorization — The Women in Poker Hall of Fame Organization Committee, is authorized to hold an election every year or every other year, for the purpose of electing members to the Women in Poker Hall of Fame.
- Electors — Only active Hall Members of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame and selected media members have voting rights. NOTE: The Organization Committee may select to invoke a Honorary Induction in extreme circumstances every three years. (i.e., posthumous inductions, historical inductions, etc.)
Eligible Candidates for Induction — Candidates must meet the following requirements:a) A candidate must have been active as a player or industry leader for a minimum of 10 years prior to nomination and 35 yrs of age or older.b) Player/industry leader must have contributed to the world of poker in some significant way. For example, a candidate may qualify by either winning major poker tournaments, gained prominence through their poker success, or by making significant contributions to the industry of poker.c) Player/industry leader candidate must be a proponent of women in poker- i.e.: refrain from publically criticizing women’s tournaments.
d) All nominees must be approved by the Organization Committee and current Hall Members.
Method of Selection/Election a) The public will submit nominations for consideration for induction.b) After the public nomination process ends, the list will be forwarded to the WiPHOF Organization Committee for review. The nominations are then forwarded to the current Hall Members for additional review. From the submissions, eligible candidates are selected based upon the candidate’s record, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the world of poker.c) The eligible candidates are then contacted to request acceptance of the nomination prior to being placed on the ballot.
d) Once the ballot is prepared, it is voted upon by the WiPHoF Hall Members and selected media members. Each voting member receives 10 votes. Votes may be cast however the voting panel chooses. (Example: A voter may cast all ten of their votes on one candidate, or spread their 10 votes over several of the candidates.)
- Time of Election — The duly authorized representatives of the WiPHOF Organization Committee shall prepare a vehicle to offer nominations to the general membership in advance each year in which an election is held. The votes shall then be tabulated by WiPHoF Voting Committee of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame.
- Certification of Election Results — The results of the election shall be certified by a no less than three members of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame Organization Committee. The results shall be transmitted to the Committee Chairman. The Women in Poker Hall of Fame and their media partners shall jointly release the results for publication.
- Amendments — The Organization Committee of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame reserves the right to revoke, alter or amend these rules at any time.